• When and where is going to a picnic in the park against the laws? - As a Vietnamese person living abroad, I often follow various events back in Viet Nam with keen interest, and with a somewhat diffrerent viewpoint. Today such an event occured in Viet Nam which made me think hard, especially when I compare it to similar events in the country where I am now residing.
  • “We can’t even have a good time and talk about our rights”: Vietnamese police repressed Human Rights picnic (May 5th, 2013) - ©2013 The 88 Project Sunday May 5th, 2013: Young Vietnamese activists organized for the first time Human Rights picnics to share documents on and discuss about human rights. The day before, before May 5th, Trinh Kim Kim and Paolo Thanh Nguyen led a group to discuss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in front of […]
  • Vietnam: Amending the constitution - ABC reporter Richard Aedy: Saturday 16 March 2013 7:45AM. Now to Vietnam. The government there wants to change the constitution. It was written in 1946 and was amended 4 times since, and most recently in 1992. From January to the end of this month the government has asked for public comment on the draft amendment, […]
  • Taming the online spaces in Vietnam - [Southeast Asia Press Freedom Challenges for 2013] 02 May 2013 – The maritime sovereignty dispute between Vietnam and China has continued into 2013, with the latest incident occurring on 26 March 2013 after a Chinese patrol boat fired on a Vietnamese fishing vessel. China’s use of weapons may perhaps signal a new phase in the […]
  • Aussie link as Vietnam crackdown continues - 03 May 2013 | By Greg Dyett. As the Vietnamese government continues a crackdown on dissent, one man with alleged links to a group in Australia has gone to jail. As the Vietnamese government continues a crackdown on dissent, it is facing a new challenge from activists at home and abroad who are using the internet to […]
  • Press Release: USCIRF’s 2013 Annual Report on the State of International Religious Freedom Identifies World’s Worst Violators, April 30, 2013 - Washington, D.C. — The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), an independent federal advisory body created by the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) to monitor religious freedom abuses abroad, today released its 2013 Annual Report.  The Report highlights the status of religious freedom globally and identifies those governments that are the most egregious violators.
  • PLEA FOR HELP LETTER and LETTER OF COMPLAINT from DIEU CAY’S FAMILY - Translated by Lê Anh Hùng (Defend the Defenders) PLEA FOR HELP LETTER FROM:             Nguyen Tri Dung, prisoner Nguyen Van Hai’s son and Duong Thi Tan, Nguyen Van Hai’s ex-wife, mother of Nguyen Tri Dung. TO:       – International Embassies in Hanoi.               – International Organizations on Human Rights Saigon, 29 April 2013 Dear […]
  • Visiting colleagues in Vietnam - On April 16, 2013 – Alle teksten © Maartje Duin In Vietnam, critical writers and bloggers are systematically persecuted. Following the PEN Cards Promo, Maartje Duin went to Vietnam to interview them. In November I received a strictly confidential mail with strict instructions from PEN Netherlands.The organization is part of PEN International and stands up for oppressed writers […]
  • VII Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies in Mongolia launches Asia Democracy Network - ULAANBAATAR, 29 April 2013 (VIETNAM COMMITTEE) – Foreign Ministers, parliamentarians, global media representatives, democracy and human rights activists from over 100 countries gathered in Ulaanbaator, for the VII Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies from 27-29 April 2013, hosted by Mongolia, the Community’s current President. Opened by Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj, government participants included UN Under-Secretary-general […]
  • Press Releases: Remarks on the Release of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012 -   Special Briefing Uzra Zeya – Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Washington, DC – April 19, 2013 MS. ZEYA: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary. I’d like to say a few words about how we use the Annual Human Rights Reports to inform our diplomacy around the world and give you a quick […]