by English PEN | March 12th, 2014

Join PEN in calling on the Vietnamese authorities to release blogger Dinh Dang Dinh, poet Nguyen Van Ly and writer Nguyen Huu Cau, all of whom are seriously ill, on humanitarian grounds
English PEN shares PEN International’s grave concern for the health of blogger Dinh Dang Dinh who is suffering from end-stage stomach cancer and was transferred to hospital on 15 February 2014. PEN is also seriously concerned for the health of poet, essayist, scholar and Catholic priest Father Nguyen Van Ly, and writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau. Both are serving lengthy prison sentences in Vietnam imposed for their peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression, and are seriously ill.
We are calling for their immediate and unconditional release in accordance with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Vietnam is a state party, and on humanitarian grounds. Please join us.
For background information, visit the PEN International website.
Please send appeals:
- Expressing serious concern for the health of writers and activists Dinh Dang Dinh, Nguyen Van Ly and Nguyen Huu Cau and urging that they are given full access to all necessary medical care as a matter of urgency;
- Calling for their immediate and unconditional release in accordance with Article 19 of the ICCPR, to which Vietnam is state party, and on humanitarian grounds.
Appeals to:
His Excellency Truong Tan Sang
President of the Socialist Republic
of Viet Nam
Hung Vuong street
Ba Dinh district
Ha Noi
Viet Nam
Mr Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister
1 Hoang Hoa Tham street
Ba Dinh district
Ha Noi
Viet Nam
Fax: +84 80 44130/ +84 80 44940
Mr Phan Binh Minh
Minister of Foreign Affairs
1 Ton That Dam steet
Ba Dinh district
Ha Noi
Viet Nam
Fax: +844 3823 1872 / Email:
His Excellency Mr Vu Quang Minh
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
12-14 Victoria Road
W8 5RD
Fax: 020 7937 6108 / Email:
March 13, 2014
Vietnam: mounting concerns for the health of writers and activists
by Nhan Quyen • Dinh Dang Dinh, Nguyen Huu Cau, Nguyen Van Ly
by English PEN | March 12th, 2014
English PEN shares PEN International’s grave concern for the health of blogger Dinh Dang Dinh who is suffering from end-stage stomach cancer and was transferred to hospital on 15 February 2014. PEN is also seriously concerned for the health of poet, essayist, scholar and Catholic priest Father Nguyen Van Ly, and writer and activist Nguyen Huu Cau. Both are serving lengthy prison sentences in Vietnam imposed for their peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression, and are seriously ill.
We are calling for their immediate and unconditional release in accordance with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Vietnam is a state party, and on humanitarian grounds. Please join us.
For background information, visit the PEN International website.
Please send appeals:
Appeals to:
His Excellency Truong Tan Sang
President of the Socialist Republic
of Viet Nam
Hung Vuong street
Ba Dinh district
Ha Noi
Viet Nam
Mr Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister
1 Hoang Hoa Tham street
Ba Dinh district
Ha Noi
Viet Nam
Fax: +84 80 44130/ +84 80 44940
Mr Phan Binh Minh
Minister of Foreign Affairs
1 Ton That Dam steet
Ba Dinh district
Ha Noi
Viet Nam
Fax: +844 3823 1872 / Email:
His Excellency Mr Vu Quang Minh
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
12-14 Victoria Road
W8 5RD
Fax: 020 7937 6108 / Email: