Support Press Freedom In Vietnam

A policeman, flanked of local milicia members, tries to stop a foreign journalist from taking pictures as they guard outside the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court on August 10, 2011 where Pham Minh Hoang, a French-Vietnamese lecturer and blogger is standing trial, facing up to 15 years' jail on a subversion charges in the country's latest high-profile rights case.  AFP PHOTO / IAN TIMBERLAKE

A policeman, flanked of local milicia members, tries to stop a foreign journalist from taking pictures as they guard outside the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court on August 10, 2011 where Pham Minh Hoang, a French-Vietnamese lecturer and blogger is standing trial, facing up to 15 years’ jail on a subversion charges in the country’s latest high-profile rights case. AFP PHOTO / IAN TIMBERLAKE

Global Giving | December 18, 2013


After China, Vietnam imprisons the highest number of bloggers and cyber-dissidents for reporting independently of the government-run media. Vietnamese bloggers are the only source of independent news in the country. Reporters Without Borders seeks support to provide them equipment and ensure information security through the purchase of computer software and hardware in order to ensure that they can share their stories with other Vietnamese and the world.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

In Vietnam, the voice of the common citizen is silenced, and injustice and censorship are wide-spread. The Vietnamese authorities have systematically worked to control the flow of information from the courageous reporters, bloggers and cyber-dissidents who refuse to remain silent. In 2012, at least 48 bloggers were imprisoned for a combined total of 166 years in prison terms. RWB is committed to empowering these voices through advocacy and communication support.

How will this project solve this problem?

Reporters Without Borders has a network of staff, correspondents and media partners who work with the reporters, bloggers and cyber-dissidents being harassed and imprisoned for their work. The distribution of much-needed communication equipment will support a freer flow of information and increase the amount of reporting that becomes available to the world. The staff support of RWB will ensure the production and translations of press releases to expand the reach of the information worldwide

Potential Long Term Impact

Concrete communication support through hardware and software will offer hope to bloggers and cyber-dissidents to continue their fight. The word will spread that the world is interested in their plight and is willing to support their efforts. RWB staff can continually reach into Vietnam and share their stories and respond to their needs. Grassroots support through Global Giving demonstrates to the Vietnamese that people all over the world are listening and care about their situation

Funding Information

Total Funding Received to Date: $12
Remaining Goal to be Funded: $6,988
Total Funding Goal: $7,000

* Source: Global Giving